Thursday, March 14, 2013

3 Points to Update Online Giving - Pope Francis Motivates Us

I have been impressed by the coverage of the Papal conclave.  We have seen and heard many wonderful stories about the events and the sincerity and focus of the Cardinals as they entered into the process of electing our new Pope. And then to see the humility and prayerful attitude exhibited by Pope Francis!  What a great time to reflect on our own behavior, and a convenient time to think about our financial commitment to our parish.

If you want to read more about coverage from Rome,  here is a link to the Daily Take blog from our Publisher, Greg Erlandson, who has been there to observe the conclave: a-pope-who-is-bishop.
In this edition Greg refers to Francis of Assisi:  "He is a Pope who was chosen, I believe, because the cardinals want a renewal of the Church. "Help rebuild my Church," the Lord told St. Francis in a dream."  Greg goes on to refer to our need to begin with prayer.

As we pray about rebuilding the church, we also should pray about what we each can to do rebuild the church through our parish communities.  The recent study published by the University of Notre Dame Institute for Church Life: Unleashing Catholic Generosity – Explaining the Catholic Giving Gap in the United States,  indicates that we need to focus our attention on the Mission and works of our parish communities.  

Here are some points to consider as we update gifts in Online Giving:

1. Update Fund Categories: Provide parishioners the opportunity to give to programs that result in improved lives for parishioners or the community.  

2. Review Your Personal Gifts: Use this time of change to pray about rebuilding the church and seek inspiration for where to spend your time and how best to allocate your financial gifts to the church.  Update your Online Giving commitments.

3. Make an Announcement: Make an announcement at Mass or through your communications about any changes to gift categories in Online Giving.  Ask parishioners to pray and to update their gifts as we celebrate the announcement of Pope Francis.  Invite those who are not giving online to make that first step.

Tell us your thoughts and ideas!